May your journey be loud enough…


I see this idea floating around a lot lately,
That if you're good at something
Or if you are confident in something, proud of something...
That it needs to be shouted from the rooftops
That to convey your pride, you must wear it very proudly & loudly

And I’m sorry but I disagree.
You can know it’s okay to guard some of your truths with care
You can know it’s okay to keep some tender moments just for you
You can know it’s okay to be proud as fuck of something you’ve said, or done, or created
And leave people clueless about it

You do not have to leave yourself at the mercy of other people’s judgement for simply just wanting to be

And NO social media account, coach, or self-proclaimed guru should be making you feel like crap for being you

The truth is that you don’t have to read that one book
Buy that one program
Find that one guru
That is gonna somehow solve all your problems & make you whole

My love, I can promise that YOU already are whole, as you are.
You already are your greatest teacher
Your greatest leader
Your greatest guru

If you come across anyone selling you self-doubt & calling it by any other name
Saying you need this or that or them
To take you by the hand (and the wallet)
And lead you to a miracle, cure-all truth
Take a step back
Take a deep breath
And remember *why* you want to absorb, relearn & rediscover from someone
Who will walk side-by-side with you
And whisper gentle, loving reminders
Of what you already know to be true within you

May your journey be loud enough to echo for days or may it be silent & as still, without a single ripple into the world
May it be disasterously messy or heartbreak after heartbreak
May it be bold & reckless & a whirlwind you can hardly recount
May it be slow like molasses, in the middle of nowhere, no fancy Instagram post to correlate

Mmm, my dear, I hope it is so profoundly whatever your heart & soul wants & needs
I hope you remember to breathe into you & your truth whenever you start to question whose vision you are living
From my messy life, dirty hair, quiet moments lived in solitude to you & yours, whatever it looks and feels like
I’m sitting here with you, still breathing

Monica Justesen

Maine Photo & Video Magick

Ceremonial, authentic art & imagery that celebrates your story

Home of the Initiation 🔥

Don’t give up.


I want to show you…