We’re not meant to be liked by everyone


I paid attention to the wrong people for the longest time…

I've wasted hours scrolling, thinking, crying, wishing for the people who doubted me, disagreed with me, or wronged me to change their minds.

I've spent days, weeks, and probably months hoping that the people who criticized me would come around.

I've waited for folks who caused me harm to realize the error in their ways, hoping for an apology or amends to someday be made.

I've had times where I let myself become *so consumed* with trying to prove myself to doubters that I blinded myself to all of the good.

I was so focused on (and giving *so* much of my energy) all the negativity, that I was missing all of the support and beauty right in front of me.

There are all kinds of catchy, cliche sayings about the ways we can give ourselves over to being consumed with the opinions and thoughts of others, and none of them make it any less likely to fall down that rabbit hole. We're all human, and I like to believe most of us just want to do and be good in this world.

I don't have a magick solution or grand advice that will instantly remove any cares you have for what others think of you…it's something I still battle with from time-to-time and I think it's just part of the human experience.

I do know that when I find myself lost in thoughts about another's opinion of me, I bring my focus back to who and what is right in front of me, supporting me, holding me, and loving me. When I'm feeling the deep sting of the harsh words of another, I bring myself back to the loving, tender words from someone I know is in my corner, even in my darkest moments.

We're not meant to be liked by everyone. And I'm sorry to say, none of us will get through life with a 100% approval rating.

The point is: it doesn't matter. There will always be someone around to talk their shit. The key is to keep your bringing your focus back to yourself, your heart, and the ones who are there to fill your cup, especially when you need it the most.

Monica Justesen

Maine Photo & Video Magick

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Behind the Session - Rachel’s Initiation