What makes you different


What makes you different, makes you beautiful 🌻

Some of my favorite images we’ve created together come from the moments when we slow down and lean into the pieces of you that you normally want to hide away.

The part of ourselves that cause us to feel shame or fear or insecurity or doubt. Or maybe the parts that bring us back to our childhood, getting picked on or made fun. The parts of ourselves that carry pain and stigma and sadness. 

When I’m behind the camera, my mission is simple: I’m here remind you that *every* part of you is magickal, even the stuff you might not love right now.

When we really get to the heart of it, the truth is that so often, the things about ourselves that we don’t love are so often the things that make us *us*. 

Can you imagine not sharing the same beautifully crooked nose your grandmother passed down to you? Or not having that scar on your arm from the time you fell off the swing in first grade? Or not having the shape of your feet remind you of all of the ancestors who walked before you?

So I’ll say it again: every single part of you is magickal and perfectly imperfect and beautifully messy and so, so wonderfully you. 

And every single part of you deserves to be seen and celebrated for contributing to your wonder. 

Monica Justesen

Maine Photo & Video Magick

Ceremonial, authentic art & imagery that celebrates your story

Home of the Initiation 🔥


Challenging myself


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