You get to be you


I've spent the last few months slowly preparing myself to open my books again for the year, and 99% of the journey has been nothing but excitement and joy. I've been really looking forward to getting diving back into creating and sharing more of my work and process with you 🎨

And…not gonna lie, the last week imposter syndrome and self-doubt crept in *big time*. The more attention I give those thoughts, the more inclined I feel to get quiet, hide away and silence myself 🙈

The truth is, there is always going to be someone doing things differently, and the more attention you give them, the less you have for yourself.

People don't care about you or your work because you have the flashiest marketing techniques or the most polished feed or Instagram stories (and if they do…well, maybe they're not your people…) 😉

They're there for you: your heart, your soul and your *magick*. They're here for all of the ways in which you can seemingly show up in the same way as someone else, but somehow it lands totally different because it's *you* 👑

You don't have to be perfect to show up, you don't have to be the *best* or the fanciest to be worthy, and you don't have to hold yourself to some invisible standard set by someone else.

You get to be you and that gets to be enough
Yep, I'll say it again: You get to be you.
And that is enough ✨
(This is a reminder to myself, as well as anyone else who needs it)

Getting back into the flow with sessions and creating with some incredible, incredible souls this week and I am filled with excitement and gratitude for this work

Monica Justesen

Maine Photo & Video Magick

Ceremonial, authentic art & imagery that celebrates your story

Home of the Initiation 🔥

Images that feel like YOU


Behind the Session - Carmen’s Initiation