2021 Year in Review


Every year, I feel incredibly grateful to spend another year doing what I love and living my dreams, but this year felt wildly different for me.

Truthfully, I found myself at the end of 2021 humbled to my knees with gratefulness for how I was held in my work with you this year. I dedicated myself to creating with you in fresh and meaningful ways, incorporating more dpeth through embodiment into our sessions. I embraced my leadership and pride in my craft which allowed me to connect even more profoundly with you and your stories in our shared creations.

I love and value every single human that works with me, and this year is no exception.

It's not about what you look like or what you wore to the session or even where the session was located. Working together the way we do requires trust, collaboration and a heart-leveling that blows me away every single time.

This year, you allowed me to deeply see you, to see into your heart and soul. To see your darkness, to remind you of your light. To help you explore your wildest imaginative dreams, to help you embrace play and sensuality and nature and embodying your most authentic, artistic magick.

The images included here are some of my favorite co-creations from 2021 and some of the images and moments that meant the most to me.

If we worked together this year, from the bottom of my heart: thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thank you for supporting my dreams, for literally supporting me, and for allowing me to hold this space to be able to witness you in this way.

I am ready to continue to growing and creating together in 2022. If you're new to me and my work - I can't wait to meet you and discover what's possible together.

I already know there is going to be so much power and magick.

Monica Justesen

Maine Photo & Video Magick

Ceremonial, authentic art & imagery that celebrates your story

Home of the Initiation 🔥


Behind the Session - Sicily, Italy Retreat Photo


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