What gets loud when you get quiet?


“What gets loud when you get quiet?” I have had this question replaying in my head over the last few weeks, really sitting with the weight of it. I find myself spending more time in silence, in reflection, listening and paying attention to what starts to unfold in those quiet moments.

Until a few years ago I was certainly very guilty of using various vices to distract myself from what I was feeling: tv or social media, alcohol and drugs, drama, anger. You name it, I would find a way to use it as a distraction.

As I’ve gotten older, I have done my best to root down and grow more in touch with my deepest self. To cultivate that deeper listening and connection to who and what lies within.

There are absolutely still days where I find myself pulled toward a distraction (or two, or three), and sometimes I give in, because I’m only human.
But mostly, these days, I know that when I get that urge to run away or hide the most - that’s when it’s really time to tune in. To pay attention to what comes up in the silence.

And it’s a never-ending process. An uncovering day-by-day, step-by-step, breath-by-breath.
And the more we listen in, the most we can really hear what comes up.
The answers, what you hear when all the noise falls away, these are the tools we need to help us heal and to help us grow.
They are our mirrors for the ways in which we can step closer to ourselves.

Today, I want you to ask yourself:
“What gets loud when you get quiet?”
And then, feel the silence and listen in.

Monica Justesen

Maine Photo & Video Magick

Ceremonial, authentic art & imagery that celebrates your story

Home of the Initiation 🔥


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