Behind the Session - Artist Photoshoot


The shoot so nice we did it twice 😂

I kinda can't believe I haven't shared any images from this session yet (but also social media is weird, time is a construct, we're still in the middle of a pan dulce…so I can believe it)

Jill and I met up for our session this winter on a cold and cloudy day. We made the best of it and created so many magickal images together that day.

Cue Jill walking me to my car only for me to realize I've lost my keys 😳 After about an hour of searching, *thankfully* I found them on the ground near our last shoot spot

Keys-in-hand, I head home to upload the images only to discover that (no matter how many solutions and work-around I tried) the images and the card are corrupt (to any other photographers out there - is this your worst nightmare too?!?!?!) 😰

After trouble-shooting endlessly with no solution, I reached out to Jill, humbled and frankly a little embarrassed to break the news to her. And, of course, angel that she is, she didn't bat an eye and was overjoyed at the idea at being able to shoot together again

Enter the images you see here 😍

It was literally like Universe was telling us that we *had* to reshoot because holy moly! Everything was working in our favor - the weather was gorgeous and warm, our shooting location was even more empty than the time before, and we had the added benefit of already having explored the location together, so we knew exactly which spots we wanted to use

I was (and still am) in awe when I look through the gallery - these powerful images showcase Jill's beautiful heart and spirit and her deeply artistic nature. It truly feels like a blessing that things worked out the way they did ✨

Monica Justesen

Maine Photo & Video Magick

Ceremonial, authentic art & imagery that celebrates your story

Home of the Initiation 🔥

Behind the Session - Asheville, NC Women’s Retreat


Behind the Session - Yoga Teacher Photoshoot