It’s never been about me


It’s never been about me.

I’m incredible at what I do (and it took me 16+ years to be able to really own and embody that). And…I can’t do it alone.

Sure, I could only take self portraits like I did back in the day, but that medium, personally, is for me and about me.

The work I do and the space I create in my sessions…that’s about us and FOR US.

So many times before a session I’ll hear comments like, “I’m so awkward in front of the camera, I don’t know what to do”. And I always try to remind you: I got you. And you can’t fuck this up.

There is no wrong way to show up as yourself.

And on the day of the session, once we take some deep breaths together and really start to feel into that truth, the art begins to unfold.

Every moment of every session is a co-creation.

The reflection you see in my images is only possible because of the reality of your magick, our magick, and our willingness to drop in to artistry. And it’s only possible when we come together.

To anyone and everyone who has ever trusted me to witness and capture you: it is my greatest honor to collaborate with our hearts and souls in this way. My magick shines a little bit brighter each time you embrace your own.

Thank you for walking with me.

Monica Justesen

Maine Photo & Video Magick

Ceremonial, authentic art & imagery that celebrates your story

Home of the Initiation 🔥

Capturing other photographers


When I created the Initiation Ceremony