Creative Summit Series


Toward the end of 2018, I had the spark to create something I felt was missing in my life and the community around me: a place for education, for creatives to gather in community, and to explore their craft in new and exciting ways.

Thus, the Creative Summit Series was born!

The Creative Summit series came to life through once-a-month workshops held in my studio space in Lowell, MA or outside in nature. Each workshop featured at least one co-host and centered around a different theme, intended to challenge and present creatives with new opportunities to grow and build community.

From figuring out which vendors and volunteers to involve, what to call the workshop, how to price tickets, how to market, how many spaces to make available…it was sometimes easy to get lost in the details. And anytime it felt sticky or hard, I always, always came back to my why - creating community-driven containers for like-minded people to come together and play and explore their creativity. Despite the challenges, I know the results were that much better in the end.

For me, the Creative Summit Series also marked a pivotal point in my career where I started to really lean into my creativity. I started to really lean into and embrace my expertise and technical skill. I stepped more fully into my leadership and into community.

It marked the start of a new way of seeing myself & being in community.


“It was really refreshing and inspiring to be around a group of creatives where the sole purpose of coming together was to create, collaborate, support, and learn from one another.”

— AJ Govoni

Monica Justesen

Maine Photo & Video Magick

Ceremonial, authentic art & imagery that celebrates your story

Home of the Initiation 🔥

Sometimes it really is that simple


I don’t take photos for Instagram